Whatsapp have a great News

Whatsapp have a great News

Users can now send money through the WhatsApp


Whatsapp is a social platform for communications. we are using Whatsapp for our communicate proposes.

 Photo courtesy of Forbes

 In June last year, WhatsApp introduced a great feature, 'Ground Breaking', under which WhatsApp users could send money in addition to messages to loved ones and friends, but it was suspended a few days after the introduction of this feature. This new feature of WhatsApp had gained popularity among the users due to which this feature has now started working again.

 The feature was initially introduced for Brazil and the company said it would be rolled out to other countries. Also read Less than a week after the announcement, the service was suspended due to competition concerns in Brazil. According to a recent report by Alli Forbes, Brazilian banks have expressed concern that the feature could be detrimental to Brazilian banks and financial technologies, while saying that the feature also includes privacy issues. Can come

 Photo file

 According to the report, this service of WhatsApp has started working again after which WhatsApp users can transfer money by taking advantage of this service through Visa and MasterCard.